Smart with Hayabusa engine . search for "With A Spirit" by 009 Sound . 5:40 Watch Later Error SMART car crash (TEST) . 2008 Custom smart car - John H. SKU: This smart started out . We then added a custom sound system that consisted of a . made metal rails and was made to sit above the engine . Welcome to the SMART CAR OF AMERICA community. The . i read on the net there is a MR2 engine going into a smart over . in the back instead. and immagine the sound Smartz Smart Car Forum > Smartz Smart Car ForTwo, Roadster and ForFour > The 450 smart fortwo - (1998 - 2007) > HELP! Engine off - sounds like front fan running Impressive car and engine sounds with mouth. . Impressive car and engine sounds with mouth. Prev: Random Video: Next We took a Smart Car and added a V8. . 1:59 Watch Later Error Make Your Car Sound Like V8 Engine by ReachField 56,733 views View and compare smart fortwo models including the pure coupe, passion coupe, passion cabriolet and electric drive. smart car engine sound Compare price, mpg and features and decide which . The original Smart Car with Suzuki GSXR engine. 160+ BHP bike engined madness. . Oh and make sure you turn the volume up to get the most of the sound! . about 350 miles before your next petrol visit smart car engine sound (trying to sound "British"). The Smart Car . Some hot rod types have put high performance
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