BHSU's course requirements needed to complete the Sociology Major. . Math Assistance Center
Grades of C or better are required for the major requirements Sociology 101, 104, Sociology 109 . U NIVERSITY O F C ALIFORNIA , B ERKELEY Sociology: Sociology 101; Math 150 Social Welfare .
For example, a student who had already taken MATH 1115 could take MATH 1031 for credit if s/he wanted. Most sociology majors fulfill this requirement by taking MATH 1031 and 1032.
Major/Minor Requirements. Major Requirements:: Minor . Prerequisites: 092-the university math competency requirement . 9 cr.
Total Hours for Major in Sociology 39 cr.
Degree Requirements. Sociology majors must achieve at least a 2.5 GPA in major courses. . 330 Statistics in Social Science OR Psyc 290 Statistics for Psychology OR Math .
Requirements for Sociology within the General Studies Major. Coursework for a major in general studies with a focus in . or MATH 107 College Algebra or a higher-level math course
Requirements for Sociology Majors. Students majoring in Sociology . of C- or higher; or 2) passing the Math Placement Exam. For Students who declared Sociology as a major .
SOCIOLOGY MAJOR. Departmental Requirements for Major in Sociology. Seven (7) core Sociology courses: . MATH 117 . Introduction to. Statistics (Gen. Ed. Goal 2)
. Majors and Math Requirements > Sociology B.S.
The required methods course in the sociology major fulfills the second math requirement in the CCAS general requirements. While you must have .
Grade of 'C' in either Principles of Math 11 (or equivalent) or Applications . Bachelor of Arts framework in addition to their major or minor program requirements. Sociology Major
Requirements: sociology major, and 22M:009 math major requirements sociology or a math major requirements sociology higher-level math course. 034:011 Research Methods: 3 s.h. Basic scientific concepts; emphasis on theoretical thinking,
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