If you or a loved one has been injured by the harmful side effects of a

defective or dangerous prescription or over the harmful effects prescription drugs counter drug, please contact our law firm today.
Harmful Effects Of Prescription Drugs. Harmful effects from prescription drugs is growing, according to Donald Light, professor of comparative health policy at the .
Effect on pregnant women. Like all other drugs, prescription drug abuse can be very harmful to pregnant women, leading to miscarriages, low weight babies and early labor.
Before it approves any new prescription medicine, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires tests, which typically last no longer than six months.
Abusing prescription drugs can not only be harmful to you, but also to your
harmful effects prescription drugs
baby. Commonly Abused Prescription Drugs: Opioids: These drugs are prescribed to .
. and possibly thousands of Americans die or are harmed by prescription drug and . Recently, a medical journal discovered more harmful side effects among patients .
Prescription drug abuse is one of the major health concerns all over the world. Prescription drugs are classified into many types according to the intoxication
Harmful Effects of Drug Use. Substance Abuse and Drug Addiction. The World Health Organization describes substance abuse as, "The harmful or hazardous use of .
Side effects can occur with any drug, whether they are prescription, over-the-counter or street drugs. More importantly, these side effects can be harmful and therefore .
Herbal therapies and nutritional supplements may support the relief of many health problems without the harmful effects of prescription drugs.
Photo Credit addiction image by Zbigniew Nowak from Fotolia.com . Harmful Effects of Prescription Drugs The Effects of Drug Addiction
Protecting Yourself from Harmful Medications. As a society, we rely on our doctors and medications to help us when we do not feel well. We expect the medications our .
. short-term and long-term drug effects and . Drug Books :: Drug Facts & Their Harmful Effects .